Stumbling into Spring
Whoa! It’s MARCH!!!
Oh my, where has the time gone?
Seriously, I feel like I’m on a roller coaster and I’m not able to get off.
I ‘WAS’ Planned
In December I was so organised; I had planned my social media and what I was going to make as part of The Lady Saddler collections, but it’s all gone to pot!

January was partly planned. I had my social media scheduled, some blogs half written, newsletters prepped, my saddlery competition work was completed and sent off, repair work was up-to-date and I had some bespoke orders come in.
Then I attended a week of saddlery training, Beta International, then the Saddlery Competition all whilst working like a loony in the studio.
For February, I had some valentines gifts planned…they never even made it to the design stage!
I was just so busy trying to make some money so the monthly bills could be paid, that February just rushed past me.
Now that it is March a whole loads of new stuff has happened…
On the 2nd March my stepdaughter (husband’s daughter from a first marriage) had a baby girl, surprisingly making me a Nanny at 39yrs old.

OMG, I don’t feel old enough to be a Nanny yet and it took me back somewhat, especially being as I don’t feel done having my own children yet.
I know, I have two beautiful children of my own and I should be grateful, but my mind and body are just not finished having babies and I yearn for another baby, but it just doesn’t feel right having another baby now that a grandchild has come.
Then on the 6th March, our youngest was 10yrs old.

We don’t lavish our children with presents, we simply can’t afford to, but he had a gift to open in the morning and an evening at the Cinema and fast food to finish. He was happy. Bless him!
The last week or so I have also been bringing Olly back into work.
He’s pretty much had all of winter off. He’s been lunged or put on the walker but no riding has taken place since the first week of December. Life and work just took over.
So, he’s been lunged pretty much every day for just over a week now and he has responded really well to it; then both day’s we’ve planned for me to get on him, it’s either torrentially rained or we’ve had high winds and rain.
I’m pretty sure he would be fine in both of these weather conditions but being as I value my life these days I am taking no chances and decided to wait, and anyway, what’s the rush?
So, with March in full swing, I had made plans to make some Mothers Day gifts to sell in the shop, but my mind has drawn a blank.
Every time I think of an idea, I always get a niggling thought of… ‘people won’t buy that!’
More Training
Which has led me to think about getting more training done in a field of expertise I really want to get into.

When I set up The Lady Saddler, I really wanted to make saddlery, and bridles in particular but then I know so many saddlers new and established trying to make a living from bridle making that I wonder how I too can compete, make a reasonable living as well as grow my business to the level of success I desire.
It’s hard work juggling family life, establishing and growing a business and trying to have a life of my own too.
Sometimes I wonder why I do it, then I think back to my corporate working life and shudder at the thought of looking at 4 walls and a computer screen most of my day…I wouldn’t swap back to that for all the money in the world.
I love variety, I love being outdoors and I love horses so I am definitely in the right industry now. It just takes time.
Thing is, I do miss dressing up and being ‘girly’ and therefore a passion to design and make fashionable leather accessories is calling me in a big way.

Every girl needs a handbag, or two, or three and I very much desire to make equine-themed bags.
Think Ladies Day at the races and that’s where I envisage my accessories.
I don’t yet feel I can do myself or The Lady Saddler justice in designing bags and accessories, so I am going to embark on some additional training in the design and manufacture aspects of fashion accessories.
I’ve enquired about the training I both want and need to succeed at my plan, I just need to find the finances to fund it.
Funding Needed
The training is taking place in 2020 but I have to find over £5000 in fees in order to attend as well as other related costs, so I will be looking for funding schemes, grants or scholarships shortly.

I feel like I have gone on a bit today, but so much is whirling around my head that I don’t know where to start, so part of today is my ‘stand back and reflect’ day so that I can get some clarity of where I’m going with everything.
I really hope you will continue to follow my journey and if you have any knowledge of finance or funding schemes available to someone like me then drop me a message.
Thanks in advance, speak soon, Clair x