Week 7 of Olly’s update
Week 7 covers Day 43 (Sunday 25th February) to Day 49 (Saturday 3rd March):-
We have gone from cold and wet to a freezing snow storm in less than a week. As usual the news reports have enjoyed hyping the ‘Beast from the East’ which was to hit the UK on Thursday bringing us all as a country to a standstill. We just don’t know how to cope with such weather anymore.
In true British style the News stations were totally right. We see a flurry of snow and the country goes to pot.
I get it though, after living in town for the first 30 years of my life, I have witnessed people driving in snow conditions that would question how on earth they got a licence in the first place but now that we live out in the sticks, a flurry of snow grinds most traffic to a standstill and the only traffic we do end up seeing is eitherthe odd brave Artic lorry perservering with its delivery trip, a tractor or a 4×4 of some sort.
I have enjoyed seeing on social media the gratitude (finally) given to the farmers of Britain who despite the weather are looking after their livestock or putting themselves out and snow ploughing lanes and A roads. Without them and their trusty tractors some people would be spending nights in their cold cars. So well done Farmers you are our hero’s during Storm Emma/Beast from the East.
So anyway, getting back to my original reason for this update I thought I’d also point out that I have changed this series of updates from “Ollys Issues” to “Olly’s Updates” as I feel the word ‘Issues’ now gives off such a negative vibe that doesn’t go with the positive stepts we are going through as a horse and owner and therefore by calling it an ‘update’ from now on you will know what I mean and I will continue to feel more positive towards reading this post in years to come.
Most of the week the tempratures outside have been below freezing and therefore other than checking the horses, their rugs, watering and feeding them etc we have done little else.
Here are some pictures to go with this week’s visits to the farm: