• What a year 2017 has ended up being.

    Who would have thought that this time last year I was signed off work for what was to be a three month break. Depression and anxiety had crept back into the forefront of my mind following six months of true unhappiness in the day job. I had broken up for the festive holidays a few days before Christmas giving me the time to dwell over what had been happening. I remember dreading Christmas as I often did since experiencing debt problems; wishing we had the money to do the simple things like take the children to see a decent Santa or buy the latest game or toy they had asked…

  • New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, Plans or Dreams?

    I don’t know about you but I stopped making New Year Resolution’s when I was a teenager. I mean really, who has kept to the ‘I must lose weight’ statement anyway? For years I never made a bold statement or even make any plans for the future. I lived for the moment and that was fine by me at that time. For as long as I can remember I’ve wrote in a diary or journal about what is happening in my life at that given moment: who I love; who I don’t love; what events I’ve been to; and any juicy gossip I’ve heard. Nowadays I tend to write my…