I Passed My Last Saddler Exam
I passed the exam! It has been a whole four years in the making and a lot of blood, sweat and tears have been shed, but it was worth every minute of it.
Training Week 1 – Saddle Making Level 3
I'm away at the Saddlery Training Centre in Salisbury this week and started to make my level 3 Saddle...
New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, Plans or Dreams?
I don’t know about you but I stopped making New Year Resolution’s when I was a teenager. I mean really, who has kept to the ‘I must lose weight’ statement anyway? For years I never made a bold statement or even make any plans for the future. I lived for the moment and that was fine by me at that time. For as long as I can remember I’ve wrote in a diary or journal about what is happening in my life at that given moment: who I love; who I don’t love; what events I’ve been to; and any juicy gossip I’ve heard. Nowadays I tend to write my…
What Is A Saddler?
The definition of a Saddler is 'a person who makes, repairs, or sells saddlery'.