Bridle Making week 2

Bridle Making Week 2 – Mental Exhaustion

I’m a little later than normal posting this [sorry for that] purely because I got in, called home and then crashed on the bed. Exhausted!

It’s not even a physical exhaustion either as I’ve not done much walking like I had planned [will do better tomorrow] but instead it’s a mental exhaustion having to take it all in, having to make notes, having to plan what to do next. Its a tough workout on the old brain of mine.

So, where am I in the process of making my snaffle bridle I hear you ask…well…

…on day 3 I almost, almost completed it. I finished stitching the ‘London chape’ (this is the noseband buckle platform), the browband, the throatlash and noseband cheek strap buckle and then finally the cheek straps onto the noseband.

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For those of you who think it’s easy to cut a bit of leather and stitch it together to make a bridle is so far from the truth.

Today I feel pretty much how a pin cushion must feel. I’ve pricked a further three fingertips today and so resemble Michael Jackson on his Bad tour with my plasters.

So all I have left to do tomorrow now is put the buckle and billet holes in and then put it together.

I am very happy with it and impressed its taken me just over 3 days to complete.

Tomorrow will be another day; until then, Goodnight. Clair x

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