Self Discovery
Interesting facts and news on self development
Start Of A New Year
It's 2020. The start of a new year and a new very exciting! Here's my reflection on the decade past and the hopes for the future...
Hey! Welcome to my crazy life……
Welcome to my crazy little life! This blog originally documented my personal journey as a mature wife and mother embarking on a career change from the corporate world to the equestrian world. Nowadays, I tend to blog about three areas of my life I am most passionate about: my family, my business and self development. Join me, you never know what trials and tribulations we'll encounter, but it sure will be fun.
Making Progress : Making Choices
I’ve been wanting to write a ‘making progress’ update for a while now but every time I go to write a new post, it’s like I have writer’s block. Not because I don’t have anything to say but because I constantly ask myself who’s going to read about my trivial shite. Also, because I own a business I do worry about remaining professional in everything I do so not to affect it. BUT, do you know what?… …apart from, never starting a sentence with ‘BUT’, it really does not matter what anyone thinks! Trivial Shite I am not hurting anyone with my trivial shite and if some people decide that…
Procrastination is when you purposely avoid doing a task...I'm guilty of doing this, are you?
It’s Been A While
It's been a while since I last wrote a blog post on this site...truth is I didn't know what the hell I was doing anymore and overwhelm and procrastination took over...
I Passed My Last Saddler Exam
I passed the exam! It has been a whole four years in the making and a lot of blood, sweat and tears have been shed, but it was worth every minute of it.
My 5 Top Tips To Organising Tack Sales
My final tack sale is done, for this Summer. I will now spend time concentrating on preparing stock for The Lady Saddler online shop. Then I will finalise preparations for the winter tack sales to start back in September 2019. It’s taken me two years to find out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to organising tack sales. I even wrote a blog about the five reasons why I run a monthly equine tack sale here. If you want to organise your very own tack sale then here are my 5 top tips for doing so: 1. Find A Suitable Venue Ideally, the venue should be on one…
Women’s Business Club
I have been attending the Women’s Business Club meeting on the third Wednesday of the month, for the last nine months. Supports Women The Women’s Business club supports women in business, be it employed or self-employed. First Contact I first got to know about the group via the support group on Facebook. Being seven months into full-time self-employment my business has grown over this time; albeit a slow and at times a lonely process. Struggling with a lack of confidence mindset has affected me personally in terms of suffering from anxiety. On a business level with workload or prioritising my needs for the business. Previous issues, from an unpleasant experience…