My Take on Home Schooling
Hey, I hope you’re all having a great day. It is the first day of the Easter holidays today and therefore that means one thing…NO MORE HOME SCHOOLING…Yay!!!! [Jumping for joy] Hard Work Following on from my last blog, parents of school-aged children are having to home school their children. I’d like to say it’s been fun and exciting but the reality of it has been stressful and hard work. Well for me it has been, not sure about the rest of the moms. My Kids… My daughter, a 13yrs old academic child, knows exactly what is expected of her to become the Veterinary Surgeon she has always wanted to…
Dealing With Goodbyes
It’s never an easy task to say goodbye to someone or something but my way of dealing with goodbyes is usually to start afresh. It’s been almost two months since I gave up my boy, Olly. Unfortunately, this time having to say goodbye to Olly for the second time in my life has spurred me to give up horses indefinitely. What I mean by that is I will probably never afford or have the time to give to another horse again, and because I’m very passionate about keeping an animal for its lifetime (and not just for Christmas, as the saying goes) I can’t face letting another horse down. I’ve…
My Business Is Out Of Action
Hey, how’s it all going? Are you enjoying lockdown? OK, so not EXACTLY enjoying it, but more of ‘making the most of it’ business-wise! Believe it or not, I have mixed feelings about it all. Not because I’m worried about contracting the virus because I’m not, what will be will be in that scenario. I’m more concerned about what is going to happen to me and my business. Back in December Before this pandemic took hold, I was just starting to gather momentum again after closing The Lady Saddler down over the Christmas period. If you have read the blog from back in December you will remember that I had…
Living In Lockdown
We, as a Nation are currently living in lockdown. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has urged us all to stay indoors for the foreseeable future. Our future is no longer certain and I suppose is dependent on our immune systems too (if we catch this virus). Deadly Virus Covid-19 (or Coronavirus as we know it) has taken the world by storm since December 2019. The news broadcasted that someone had contracted the disease in China, by eating Bat soup. It has since killed 10,000’s of people across the globe. Since March 2020 our lives, as we know it, have been turned upside down. We are in lockdown. Ordered by the…
Moving Onto Pastures New
During the last couple of months I have been deliberating all our futures and it has resulted in one of us moving onto pastures new. I have struggled of late to juggle family, work and business commitments whilst trying to spend time with Olly and give him what he needs (and deserves). Unfortunately I cannot do it all without pushing myself into the ground and feeling pretty shitty about everything else around me. The thing is I hate doing things by halves and that is exactly what I am doing at the moment. I feel like I’m spreading myself too thin in business and family projects, whilst ‘trying’ to keep…
Start Of A New Year
It's 2020. The start of a new year and a new decade...how very exciting! Here's my reflection on the decade past and the hopes for the future...
Taking An Impromptu Break
Taking an impromptu break this side of Christmas is probably not the best decision I have made for some time. However, time with the family and looking out for health has to be priority over anything else...
Hey! Welcome to my crazy life……
Welcome to my crazy little life! This blog originally documented my personal journey as a mature wife and mother embarking on a career change from the corporate world to the equestrian world. Nowadays, I tend to blog about three areas of my life I am most passionate about: my family, my business and self development. Join me, you never know what trials and tribulations we'll encounter, but it sure will be fun.